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Wijmo 알아보기 | Drawing Graphics Documentation | PdfDocument API Reference

import 'bootstrap.css'; import './styles.css'; import * as wijmo from '@grapecity/wijmo'; import * as pdf from '@grapecity/wijmo.pdf'; // document.readyState === 'complete' ? init() : window.onload = init; // function init() { document.querySelector('#btnExport').addEventListener('click', () => { let doc = new pdf.PdfDocument({ header: { height: 0 }, footer: { height: 0 }, ended: (sender, args) => pdf.saveBlob(args.blob, 'Document.pdf') }); // sample1(doc); sample2(doc); sample3(doc); sample4(doc); sample5(doc); // doc.end(); }); } // // const a = 100, // sample area's size. c1 = new wijmo.Color('#3173c0'), c2 = new wijmo.Color('#e69500'); // function sample1(doc) { doc.drawText('Draw a series of lines with different styles: '); // let y = doc.y + doc.lineHeight(); // // default document's pen (black color) doc.paths .moveTo(0, y) .lineTo(a, y) .stroke(); // // color doc.paths .moveTo(0, y + 20) .lineTo(a, y + 20) .stroke(c1); // // color, line width = 3 doc.paths .moveTo(0, y + 40) .lineTo(a, y + 40) .stroke(new pdf.PdfPen(c1, 3)); // // opacity color, line width = 3 doc.paths .moveTo(0, y + 60) .lineTo(a, y + 60) .stroke(new pdf.PdfPen(wijmo.Color.fromRgba(c1.r, c1.g, c1.b, 0.2), 3)); // // color, dash pattern, line width = 3 doc.paths .moveTo(0, y + 80) .lineTo(a, y + 80) .stroke(new pdf.PdfPen(c1, 3, new pdf.PdfDashPattern(5))); // doc.y = y + a + doc.lineHeight(); } // function sample2(doc) { doc.drawText('Draw a rectangle covered with a filled curved path:'); // let y = doc.y + doc.lineHeight(); // doc.paths .rect(0, y, a, a) .stroke(c1); // doc.paths .moveTo(0, y) .bezierCurveTo(a / 2, y, a / 2, a + y, a, a + y) .lineTo(0, a + y) .lineTo(0, y) .fill(c2); // doc.y = y + a + doc.lineHeight(); } // function sample3(doc) { doc.drawText('Draw a rectangle, inscribe a circle into it, fill the circle with an opaque color and stroke it using a dashed line:'); // let y = doc.y + doc.lineHeight(); // doc.paths .rect(0, y, a, a) .fill(c1); // doc.paths .circle(a / 2, y + a / 2, a / 2) .fillAndStroke(wijmo.Color.fromRgba(c2.r, c2.g, c2.b, 0.3), new pdf.PdfPen(c2, 2, new pdf.PdfDashPattern(5))); // doc.y = y + a + doc.lineHeight(); } // function sample4(doc) { doc.drawText('Draw a simple pattern clipped by a circular clipping path:'); // let y = doc.y + doc.lineHeight(), a0 = 10; // doc.saveState(); // // clipping path doc.paths .circle(a / 2, y + a / 2, a / 2) .clip(); // // draw pattern for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { doc.paths .rect(0, y + i * a0, a, a0) .fill(i % 2 ? c1 : c2); } // doc.restoreState(); // doc.y = y + a + doc.lineHeight(); } // function sample5(doc) { doc.drawText('Draw a series of rectangles and rotate every rectangle by 15 degrees to the previous:'); // let y = doc.y + doc.lineHeight(), sqrt2 = Math.sqrt(2), degrees = 15, samples = 90 / degrees; // doc.saveState(); // for (let i = 0; i < samples; i++) { doc .rotate(degrees, new wijmo.Point(a / 2, y + a / 2)) .paths // draw rectangle as if it is inscribed into a circle with the radius of a/ 2 .rect((a - a / sqrt2) / 2, y + ((a - a / sqrt2) / 2), a / sqrt2, a / sqrt2) .fill(wijmo.Color.interpolate(c1, c2, i * (1 / (samples - 1)))); } // doc.restoreState(); // doc.y = y + a + doc.lineHeight(); }
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