회계 포맷터

SpreadJS는 Excel의 회계 형식을 지원합니다.

표준 회계 형식은 다음과 같이 표시됩니다: '_($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* "-"??_);_(@_)' 회계 형식 내의 다른 형식 패턴: 공백 추가 ('_')\: 문자의 너비인 공백을 숫자 형식으로 만들려면 밑줄 문자('_') 뒤에 사용할 문자를 붙여 포함합니다. 반복 문자 ('*')\: 형식에서 다음 문자를 반복하여 열 너비를 채우려면 숫자 형식에 별표(*)를 포함합니다. 천 단위 구분 기호 및 눈금 (',')\: 숫자에 천 단위 구분 기호를 표시합니다. Spread는 형식에 숫자 기호(#) 또는 0으로 묶인 쉼표가 있으면 쉼표로 천 단위를 구분합니다. 자리 표시자 뒤에 오는 쉼표는 1,000 기준으로 숫자 크기를 조정합니다. 예를 들어, 형식이 #.0,,이고 셀에 12,200,000을 입력하면 숫자 12.200.0이 표시됩니다. 백분율 ('%')\: 숫자를 백분율로 표시하려면(예: 0.08을 8% 또는 2.8을 280%로 표시하려면) 숫자 형식에 백분율 기호(%)를 포함합니다. 예를 들어, (2,2)의 수를 백분율로 표시하려면 10000의 백분율로 표시할 수도 있습니다. 디지털 자리 표시자 ('?')\: 숫자 값에 디지털 자리 표시자를 추가하려면 0과 동일한 규칙을 따르는 물음표 기호(?)를 사용할 수 있습니다. 또한 Spread는 소수점의 오른쪽 또는 왼쪽에 의미 없는 0을 위한 공간을 추가합니다.
window.onload = function () { var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"), {sheetCount: 2}); initSpread(spread); }; function initSpread(spread) { var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); sheet.suspendPaint(); sheet.setColumnWidth(0, 150); sheet.setColumnWidth(1, 200); sheet.setColumnWidth(2, 150); sheet.setColumnWidth(3, 150); sheet.getRange(-1, 1, 200, 1).hAlign(1); //set standard accounting formatter initStandardAccountingFormat(sheet); //set repeat chartacters formatter initRepeatCharacters(sheet); //set placeholder formatter initPlaceholder(sheet); //set text formatter initText(sheet); //set thousands separator formatter thousandsSeparator(sheet); // set percentages formatter initPercentages(sheet); //set digital placeholder formatter initDigitalPlaceholder(sheet); sheet.resumePaint(); } function inintHeaderStyle(sheet, rowIndex) { sheet.setRowHeight(rowIndex, 30); sheet.addSpan(rowIndex, 0, 1, 4); sheet.getRange(rowIndex, 0, 1, 4).backColor('grey').foreColor('white').vAlign(1); } function initStandardAccountingFormat(sheet) { inintHeaderStyle(sheet, 1); sheet.setValue(1, 0, 'Standard Accounting Format : _($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* "-"??_);_(@_)'); sheet.setValue(2, 0, 'Value'); sheet.setValue(3, 0, 12); sheet.setValue(4, 0, -12); sheet.setValue(5, 0, 0); sheet.setValue(6, 0, 'Text'); sheet.setValue(2, 2, 'Formatted Result'); sheet.getRange(3, 2, 4, 1).formatter('_($* #,##0.000_);_($* (#,##0.000);_($* "-"??_);_(@_)'); sheet.setValue(3, 2, 12); sheet.setValue(4, 2, -12); sheet.setValue(5, 2, 0); sheet.setValue(6, 2, 'Text'); } function initRepeatCharacters(sheet) { var rowIndex = 8; inintHeaderStyle(sheet, rowIndex); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 'Repeat Characters : *'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 'Value'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, 'Format'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 'Formatted Result'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 'Sign'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '@*.'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 'Sign'); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '@*.'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 'Sign'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '*.@'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 'Sign'); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '*.@'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 12.34); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '$* #.##'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 12.34); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '$* #.##'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 12.34); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '$#.##*_'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 12.34); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '$#.##*_'); } function initPlaceholder(sheet) { var rowIndex = 15; inintHeaderStyle(sheet, rowIndex); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, "Add Space(use the follow char's width as a space ) : _"); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 'Value'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, 'Format'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 'Formatted Result'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 'Sign'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '_W@'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 'Sign'); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '_W@'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 'Sign'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '_.@'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 'Sign'); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '_.@'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 12); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '#_W'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 12); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '#_W'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 12); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '#_.'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 12); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '#_.'); } function initText(sheet) { var rowIndex = 22; inintHeaderStyle(sheet, rowIndex); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, "Text/Label : \"\"& \\"); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 'Value'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, 'Format'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 'Formatted Result'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 15); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '#,##0 "Km"'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 15); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '#,##0 "Km"'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 2573); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '#,##0 "Over";#,##0 "Under"'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 2573); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '#,##0 "Over";#,##0 "Under"'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, -2573); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '#,##0 "Over";#,##0 "Under"'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, -2573); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '#,##0 "Over";#,##0 "Under"'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 'ExcelRocks'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '\\a@'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 'ExcelRocks'); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '\\a@'); } function thousandsSeparator(sheet) { var rowIndex = 29; inintHeaderStyle(sheet, rowIndex); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 'Thousands Separator (comma) and Scaling : ,'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 'Value'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, 'Format'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 'Formatted Result'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 12000); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '#,###'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 12000); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '#,###'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 12000000); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '#,###'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 12000000); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '#,###'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 12000); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '#,'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 12000); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '#,'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 12000000); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '#,,'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 12000000); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '#,,'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 12000); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '#,\\K'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 12000); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '#,\\K'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 12000000); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '#,###,\\K'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 12000000); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '#,###,\\K'); } function initPercentages(sheet) { var rowIndex = 38; inintHeaderStyle(sheet, rowIndex); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 'Percentages : %'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 'Value'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, 'Format'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 'Formatted Result'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 0.09); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '0%'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 0.09); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '0%'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 0.952); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '0.0%'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 0.952); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '0.0%'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 1); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '#%'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 1); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '#%'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 1); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '#%%'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 1); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '#%%'); } function initDigitalPlaceholder(sheet) { var rowIndex = 45; inintHeaderStyle(sheet, rowIndex); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 'Digital Placeholder : #, 0 and ?'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 'Value'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, 'Format'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 'Formatted Result'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 123.456); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '#.####'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 123.456); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '#.####'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 123.456); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '0.0000'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 123.456); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '0.0000'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 123.456); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '?.????'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 123.456); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '?.????'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 123.456); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '####.###'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 123.456); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '#####.###'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 123.456); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '0000.000'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 123.456); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '0000.000'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 123.456); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '????.???'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 123.456); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '????.???'); rowIndex++; rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 1.1); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '#.???'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 1.1); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '#.???'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 11.12); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '#.???'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 11.12); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '#.???'); rowIndex++; sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 0, 111.123); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 1, '#.???'); sheet.setValue(rowIndex, 2, 111.123); sheet.setFormatter(rowIndex, 2, '#.???'); }
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