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WjScatterMapLayer Class

Angular 2 component for the wijmo.chart.map.ScatterMapLayer class.

The wj-scatter-map-layer component must be contained in a wijmo.angular2.chart.map.WjFlexMap component.

Use the wj-scatter-map-layer component to add ScatterMapLayer controls to your Angular 2 applications. For details about Angular 2 markup syntax, see Angular 2 Markup.

The WjScatterMapLayer component is derived from the ScatterMapLayer class and inherits all its properties, events and methods.

The wj-scatter-map-layer component may contain a wijmo.angular2.chart.map.WjColorScale child component.




asyncBindings: boolean

Allows you to override the global WjOptions.asyncBindings setting for this specific component. See the WjOptions.WjOptions.asyncBindings property description for details.


binding: string

Gets or sets the binding for the layer.

The binding can include two comma-separated property names (longitude and latitude) 'lon,lat' or a single property name that contain a pair of geographical coordinates.


colorScale: ColorScale

Gets or sets color scale used for fill layer's items.


initialized: EventEmitter<any>

This event is triggered after the component has been initialized by Angular, that is all bound properties have been assigned and child components (if any) have been initialized.


isInitialized: boolean

Indicates whether the component has been initialized by Angular. Changes its value from false to true right before triggering the initialized event.


itemsSource: any

Gets or sets a data source for the layer.

Data source should be a collection of objects that provides geographical coordinates (longitude and latitude). Object property or properties which contains coordinates are specified by binding property.


itemsSourceChangePC: EventEmitter<any>

This event is used to implement two-way binding to the itemsSource property. It's triggered when the property value changes, with the event argument holding the new property value. You can bind handlers to this event in templates using the itemsSourceChange event name.


itemsSourceChangedNg: EventEmitter<any>

Angular (EventEmitter) version of the Wijmo itemsSourceChanged event for programmatic access. Use this event name if you want to subscribe to the Angular version of the event in code. In template bindings use the conventional itemsSourceChanged Wijmo event name.


map: FlexMap

Gets the parent map


style: any

Gets or sets the layer's style.


symbolMaxSize: number

Gets or sets the maximal symbol size.

For bubble plot.


symbolMinSize: number

Gets or sets the minimal symbol size.

For bubble plot.


symbolSize: number

Gets or sets the symbol size.


url: string

Get or sets the data source url.


wjProperty: string

Gets or sets a name of a property that this component is assigned to. Default value is 'layers'.



  • created(): void
  • If you create a custom component inherited from a Wijmo component, you can override this method and perform necessary initializations that you usually do in a class constructor. This method is called in the last line of a Wijmo component constructor and allows you to not declare your custom component's constructor at all, thus preventing you from a necessity to maintain constructor parameters and keep them in synch with Wijmo component's constructor parameters.

    Returns void


  • getGeoBBox(): Rect


  • initialize(options: any): void
  • Initializes the series by copying the properties from a given object.


    • options: any

      JavaScript object containing initialization data for the series.

    Returns void



  • render(e: IRenderEngine, t: SVGTransform, group: SVGGElement): any
  • Renders the layer.


    • e: IRenderEngine

      Render engine.

    • t: SVGTransform

      Svg transformation.

    • group: SVGGElement

      SVG group element for the layer.

    Returns any



itemsSourceChanged: Event<MapLayerBase, EventArgs>

Occurs after the layer has been bound to a new items source.