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WjAccordionPane Class

Angular 2 component for the wijmo.nav.AccordionPane class.

The wj-accordion-pane component must be contained in a wijmo.angular2.nav.WjAccordion component.

Use the wj-accordion-pane component to add AccordionPane controls to your Angular 2 applications. For details about Angular 2 markup syntax, see Angular 2 Markup.

The WjAccordionPane component is derived from the AccordionPane class and inherits all its properties, events and methods.




accordion: Accordion

Gets a reference to the Accordion that contains this Tab.


content: HTMLElement

Gets the panes's content element.

header: HTMLElement

Gets the pane's header element.


initialized: EventEmitter<any>

This event is triggered after the component has been initialized by Angular, that is all bound properties have been assigned and child components (if any) have been initialized.


isCollapsed: boolean

Gets or sets a value that determines whether this AccordionPane is expanded or collapsed.


isDisabled: boolean

Gets or sets a value that determines whether this AccordionPane is disabled.


isInitialized: boolean

Indicates whether the component has been initialized by Angular. Changes its value from false to true right before triggering the initialized event.


isVisible: boolean

Gets or sets a value that determines whether this AccordionPane is visible.


wjProperty: string

Gets or sets a name of a property that this component is assigned to. Default value is 'panes'.



  • created(): void
  • If you create a custom component inherited from a Wijmo component, you can override this method and perform necessary initializations that you usually do in a class constructor. This method is called in the last line of a Wijmo component constructor and allows you to not declare your custom component's constructor at all, thus preventing you from a necessity to maintain constructor parameters and keep them in synch with Wijmo component's constructor parameters.

    Returns void