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IWorkbookTableStyle Interface

Represents the Table Style definition.


  • IWorkbookTableStyle

Implemented by


Optional firstBandedColumnStyle

firstBandedColumnStyle: IWorkbookTableBandedStyle

The first column stripe style.

Optional firstBandedRowStyle

firstBandedRowStyle: IWorkbookTableBandedStyle

The first row stripe style.

Optional firstColumnStyle

firstColumnStyle: IWorkbookTableCommonStyle

The first column style.

Optional firstHeaderCellStyle

firstHeaderCellStyle: IWorkbookTableCommonStyle

The first cell style in the header row.

Optional firstTotalCellStyle

firstTotalCellStyle: IWorkbookTableCommonStyle

The first cell style in the total row.

Optional headerRowStyle

The header row style.

Optional lastColumnStyle

lastColumnStyle: IWorkbookTableCommonStyle

The last column style.

Optional lastHeaderCellStyle

lastHeaderCellStyle: IWorkbookTableCommonStyle

The last cell style in the header row.

Optional lastTotalCellStyle

lastTotalCellStyle: IWorkbookTableCommonStyle

The last cell style in the total row.


name: string

The name of the table style.

Optional secondBandedColumnStyle

secondBandedColumnStyle: IWorkbookTableBandedStyle

The second column stripe style.

Optional secondBandedRowStyle

secondBandedRowStyle: IWorkbookTableBandedStyle

The second row stripe style.

Optional totalRowStyle

The total row style.

Optional wholeTableStyle

wholeTableStyle: IWorkbookTableCommonStyle

The whole table style.