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참고: 태그가 지정된 PDF에는 문서 버전 1.4 이상이 필요합니다.

import 'bootstrap.css'; import './styles.css'; import * as wijmo from '@grapecity/wijmo'; import * as pdf from '@grapecity/wijmo.pdf'; import { getEmployees } from './data'; // var TableSection; (function (TableSection) { TableSection[TableSection["header"] = 0] = "header"; TableSection[TableSection["body"] = 1] = "body"; TableSection[TableSection["footer"] = 2] = "footer"; })(TableSection || (TableSection = {})); // document.readyState === 'complete' ? init() : window.onload = init; // function init() { document.querySelector('#btnExport').addEventListener('click', () => { let doc = new pdf.PdfDocument({ info: { title: 'Expense Report' }, tagged: true, displayTitle: true, lang: 'en-US', version: pdf.PdfVersion.v1_5, // The header will be automatically marked as a pagination artifact. header: { declarative: { text: 'Expense Report\t&[Page]\\&[Pages]', font: new pdf.PdfFont('times', 12), brush: '#bfc1c2' } }, lineGap: 2, pageSettings: { margins: { left: 36, right: 36, top: 36, bottom: 36 } }, ended: (_, args) => pdf.saveBlob(args.blob, 'Document.pdf') }); // getEmployees().forEach((employee, i, arr) => { drawEmployee(doc, employee); // if (i < arr.length - 1) { doc.addPage(); } }); // doc.end(); }); } // const ColWidth = 80, RowHeight = 18, ThinPen = new pdf.PdfPen('#000000', 0.5); // function drawEmployee(doc, employee) { let tot = employee.expenses.totals, expenses = employee.expenses.items.sort((a, b) => a.date.getTime() - b.date.getTime()), minDate = expenses[0].date, maxDate = expenses[expenses.length - 1].date, columns = [ { header: 'Date', binding: 'date', format: 'd' }, { header: 'Description', binding: 'description', format: 'c' }, { header: 'Hotel', binding: 'hotel', format: 'c' }, { header: 'Transport', binding: 'transport', format: 'c' }, { header: 'Meal', binding: 'meal', format: 'c' }, { header: 'Fuel', binding: 'fuel', format: 'c' }, { header: 'Misc', binding: 'misc', format: 'c' }, { header: 'Total', binding: 'total', format: 'c' } ], bold = new pdf.PdfFont('times', 10, 'normal', 'bold'); // // * draw captions * doc.addTag(doc.tag(pdf.PdfTagType.P, () => { doc.drawText('Purpose: ', null, null, { font: bold, continued: true }); doc.drawText(employee.purpose); })); // doc.addTag(doc.tag(pdf.PdfTagType.P, () => { doc.drawText('From: ', 380, 0, { font: bold, continued: true }); doc.drawText(wijmo.changeType(minDate, wijmo.DataType.String, 'd')); })); // doc.addTag(doc.tag(pdf.PdfTagType.P, () => { doc.drawText('To: ', 470, 0, { font: bold, continued: true }); doc.drawText(wijmo.changeType(maxDate, wijmo.DataType.String, 'd')); })); // doc.moveDown(2); // let y = doc.y; // doc.addTag(doc.tag(pdf.PdfTagType.P, () => { doc.drawText('Name: ', 20, y, { font: bold, continued: true }); doc.drawText(employee.name); })); // doc.addTag(doc.tag(pdf.PdfTagType.P, () => { doc.drawText('Position: ', 190, y, { font: bold, continued: true }); doc.drawText(employee.position); })); // doc.addTag(doc.tag(pdf.PdfTagType.P, () => { doc.drawText('SSN: ', 360, y, { font: bold, continued: true }); doc.drawText(employee.ssn); })); // y = doc.y; // doc.addTag(doc.tag(pdf.PdfTagType.P, () => { doc.drawText('Department: ', 20, y, { font: bold, continued: true }); doc.drawText(employee.department); })); // doc.addTag(doc.tag(pdf.PdfTagType.P, () => { doc.drawText('Manager: ', 190, y, { font: bold, continued: true }); doc.drawText(employee.manager); })); // doc.addTag(doc.tag(pdf.PdfTagType.P, () => { doc.drawText('Employee ID: ', 360, y, { font: bold, continued: true }); doc.drawText(employee.id); })); // doc.moveDown(2); // // * draw table * doc.saveState(); // y = 0; let scale = doc.width / (columns.length * ColWidth), docY = doc.y; // if (scale > 1) { scale = 1; } // doc.scale(scale, scale, new wijmo.Point(0, docY)); doc.translate(0, docY); // let thead = doc.tag(pdf.PdfTagType.THead), tbody = doc.tag(pdf.PdfTagType.TBody), tfoot = doc.tag(pdf.PdfTagType.TFoot), table = doc.tag(pdf.PdfTagType.Table); // doc.addTag(table); table.add(thead); table.add(tbody); table.add(tfoot); // // header thead.add(renderRow(doc, TableSection.header, y, columns, (column) => column.header, null, bold, '#fad9cd')); y = RowHeight; // // body expenses.forEach(item => { tbody.add(renderRow(doc, TableSection.body, y, columns, (column) => item[column.binding], (column) => column.format)); y += RowHeight; }); // // footer let totRow = ['Total', '', tot.hotel, tot.transport, tot.meal, tot.fuel, tot.misc, tot.total]; tfoot.add(renderRow(doc, TableSection.footer, y, totRow, null, () => 'c', bold, '#fad9cd')); y += RowHeight; // doc.y = docY + y * scale; // doc.restoreState(); // doc.moveDown(2); // // * draw captions * doc.addTag(doc.tag(pdf.PdfTagType.P, () => { doc.drawText('Subtotal: ', 400, doc.y, { font: bold, continued: true }); doc.drawText(wijmo.changeType(tot.total - employee.advance, wijmo.DataType.String, 'c')); })); // doc.addTag(doc.tag(pdf.PdfTagType.P, () => { doc.drawText('Cash Advance: ', 400, doc.y, { font: bold, continued: true }); doc.drawText(wijmo.changeType(employee.advance, wijmo.DataType.String, 'c')); })); // doc.addTag(doc.tag(pdf.PdfTagType.P, () => { doc.drawText('Total: ', 400, doc.y, { font: bold, continued: true }); doc.drawText(wijmo.changeType(tot.total, wijmo.DataType.String, 'c')); })); // doc.moveDown(2); checkLineAvailable(doc); // y = doc.y; textWithPlaceholder(doc, 0, y, 'Employee signature:', 150); textWithPlaceholder(doc, 300, y, 'Date:', 75); // doc.moveDown(); checkLineAvailable(doc); // y = doc.y; textWithPlaceholder(doc, 0, y, 'Approved by:', 150); textWithPlaceholder(doc, 300, y, 'Date:', 75); } // function checkLineAvailable(doc) { if (doc.height - doc.y < doc.lineHeight() + doc.lineGap) { doc.addPage(); } } // function renderRow(doc, section, y, values, valueGetter, formatGetter, font, brush) { let trTag = doc.tag(pdf.PdfTagType.TR); // values.forEach((v, idx) => { let x = idx * ColWidth; // doc.artifact(() => doc.paths.rect(x, y, ColWidth, RowHeight).fill(brush || '#f4b19b'), { type: pdf.PdfArtifactType.Layout }); // let value = valueGetter != null ? valueGetter(v) : v || '', format = formatGetter != null ? formatGetter(v) : ''; // if (value !== 'Total') { value = wijmo.changeType(value, wijmo.DataType.String, format); } // trTag.add(doc.tag(section === TableSection.header ? pdf.PdfTagType.TH : pdf.PdfTagType.TD, doc.tag(pdf.PdfTagType.P, () => { doc.drawText(value, x + 3, y + 5, { font: font, height: RowHeight, width: ColWidth }); }))); }); // return trTag; } // function textWithPlaceholder(doc, x, y, text, placeholderWidth) { let sz; // doc.addTag(doc.tag(pdf.PdfTagType.P, () => { sz = doc.drawText(text, x, y); })); // doc.artifact(() => { doc.paths .moveTo(x + sz.size.width, doc.y) .lineTo(x + sz.size.width + placeholderWidth, doc.y) .stroke(ThinPen); }); }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <title>Expense Report</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <!-- SystemJS --> <script src="node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.src.js"></script> <script src="systemjs.config.js"></script> <script> System.import('./src/app'); </script> </head> <body> <div class="container-fluid"> <!-- Export button --> <button class="btn btn-default" id="btnExport">Export</button> </div> </body> </html>
// export function getEmployees() { return [ { id: 'E892659', name: 'Robert King', department: 'Sales', position: 'Sales Representative', ssn: 'A37830', manager: 'Andrew Fuller', purpose: 'On business', attachment: true, advance: 1000, expenses: getExpenses() }, { id: 'E3667093', name: 'John Taylor', department: 'Sales', position: 'Sales Representative', ssn: 'A83745', manager: 'Andrew Fuller', purpose: 'On business', attachment: false, advance: 800, expenses: getExpenses() }, { id: 'E294989', name: 'Gregory Allen', department: 'Sales', position: 'Sales Representative', ssn: 'A23927', manager: 'Andrew Fuller', purpose: 'On business', attachment: true, advance: 1200, expenses: getExpenses() } ]; } // function getExpenses() { // [5; 10] let count = 5 + Math.round(Math.random() * 5), ret = { items: [], totals: { hotel: 0, transport: 0, fuel: 0, meal: 0, misc: 0, total: 0 } }, msPerDay = 1000 * 24 * 60 * 60, curDate = Date.now() - 60 * msPerDay; // for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { let item = { date: new Date(curDate), description: 'Customer visit', hotel: 30 + Math.random() * 200, transport: 10 + Math.random() * 150, fuel: Math.random() * 50, meal: 30 + Math.random() * 170, misc: Math.random() * 220, total: 0 }; // item.total = item.hotel + item.transport + item.fuel + item.meal + item.misc; // ret.totals.fuel += item.fuel; ret.totals.hotel += item.hotel; ret.totals.meal += item.meal; ret.totals.misc += item.misc; ret.totals.total += item.total; ret.totals.transport += item.transport; // ret.items.push(item); // curDate += msPerDay * Math.round(Math.random() * 4); } // return ret; }
body { margin-bottom: 24px; }
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